Staff qualifications and training

At ISW care we pride ourselves in having highly experienced and skilled workforce to support all our young people.

The directors of ISW care are qualified social workers with over 20 years’ experience in child protection and safeguarding. Both directors have worked as social workers, managers and service managers for various local authorities in the North West and beyond.

All our support staff are required to undergo mandatory training prior to commencement of employment.

We work closely with various training providers and the Local children’s safeguarding board to ensure all of our staff are provided with up to date training.

We strongly feel that by having an experienced and skilled support staff team this enables us to work with young people effectively and ensure better outcomes for them.

The following are some examples of training which we have provided our current staff team.

First Aid training

Food Hygiene level 2

Safeguarding Children – Level 1

Working Together to Safeguard Children – Foundation Course

Safeguarding Children & Young People from Child Sexual Exploitation

Safeguarding Vulnerable Teenagers

Child exploitation

County Lines

HM government PREVENT anti-extremism

Lucy Faithful Foundation- Promoting positive pathways for young people who have exhibited harmful sexual behaviour

Lucy Faithful- Understanding child sexual abusers

Safeguarding vulnerable teenagers – making a connection through trauma informed practice

Refugee Council – Introduction to caring for separated children

Asylum-seeking families – the impact of loss, grief and bereavement

Awareness of type 1 diabetes in school and other settings basic and advance level

Working with LGTB young people and awareness of identity